
YouTube Weekly Wrap-Up: Vampiro Industrial, Gas station perreo & "Juay de Rito"

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In case you thought frat boys and the Japanese had a monopoly on YouTube craziness/silliness/stupidity, we here at Remezcla wanted to set the record straight. Latinos can be idiots on video, too—sí se puede! Here’s our roundup of what Latinos are up to on the web. Some videos are old, some are new, but one video will always be Luis Miguel. Just ’cause.

This week: El Vampiro Industrial, Gasolinera perreo, Anthony Hopkins in Mexico, and yes, of course, LuisMi.


Al carajo con Edward. I’m Team This Guy.


We’re sure this is more cringe-inducing than the movie.


From an interview about an exorcism movie, to a woman that might need an exorcism.


PSA: This is your brain on reggaeton. The more you know…



Only LuisMi could win a woman over by giving her a candy that’s already being handed out to everyone at the party for free.