YouTube Weekly Wrap-Up: Shakira Boy Wonder & Timbiriche!

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In case you thought frat boys and the Japanese had a monopoly on YouTube craziness/silliness/stupidity, we here at Remezcla wanted to set the record straight. Latinos can be idiots on video, too—sí se puede! Here’s our roundup of what Latinos are up to on the web. Some videos are old, some are new, but one video will always be Luis Miguel. Just ’cause.

This week: Some guy sounds like Shakira, Timbiriche is amazingly ’80s, and yes, of course, LuisMi.


So how long until he dyes his hair blonde and sells out?


Where have all the co-ed Latin teenie-pop groups gone?


Honestly, who pees standing up anyways, am I right, guys?




Creepy interviewer lady can’t keep it together long enough to do her job. We’re pretty sure LuisMi’s doing his job just fine here, though.