
Why is Gael Garcia Bernal in the new Kate Hudson movie?

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We just checked out the new trailer for Kate Hudson’s romantic comedy A Little Bit of Heaven (slow work day) and we were shocked (seriously shocked) to see that our beloved Gael Garcia Bernal was the love interest. Not that anyone in their right mind wouldn’t want to fall head over heals for our favorite Mexican cutie. That’s beside the point. But he is SO much better than THIS.

The Plot: Over-sexed woman (cue women’s lib music), obviously played by go-to rom-com thesp Hudson, who’s never been in love, is told by her OBGYN, played by (sigh) Bernal, that she has cancer. Cue sad cancer music. Right off the bat, you know it’s going to suck. And by the looks of it, there seems to be zero chemistry between these two. So why would Bernal, provider of some of the most iconic Latin American roles to date, say sí to this film? At least it’s not a Katherine Heigl movie. You tell us. Here’s the trailer. Try not to gag.