Bootleg Roundup

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From time immemorial, fans have been recording concerts from the crowd. Lucky for us, we have smartphones; the ancient Greeks just had to listen and concentrate really, really hard. A quick YouTube search will unveil it all for you, but we thought we’d share because, hey, we like watching these too. Keep checking back at The Spot for our official, fancy-shmancy videos. For that audience-eye-view-feel, check below.


Digital Art Battle winner Marthalicia documented her entire day.


mtech7777 brings you this and at least one other video of Carla Morrison’s performance.


Check out shonjonn’s impressive look at Moombahton Massive/Peligrosa All Stars/Que Bajo?!’s incredible party.


Patafunk kept us dancing, and shared a video with us themselves.


Check out BoncheVIP’s coverage of Vico C working the crowd…

…and Tego Calderon’s performance…


CorrienteLatina also documented some Tego. (I can’t emphasize how cool it was to hear him perform with a live band.)

Any other sweet amateur footage we’re missing? Let us know!